Governance BSistemi

Our certifications

ISO 9001 Certification: Guarantee of Quality and Corporate Excellence
ISO 9001 Certification is a prestigious recognition awarded to companies that demonstrate they have an effective quality management system oriented towards continuous improvement. This international standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), provides a solid foundation for ensuring that an organization meets customer needs and maintains high quality standards.

Objectives of ISO 9001 Certification
The heart of ISO 9001 Certification is the focus on customer satisfaction. Certified companies follow rigorous procedures to ensure that their products or services meet customer expectations and needs. This standard promotes the process-based approach, efficient management of resources and constant focus on improvement.

Quality Management System Implementation
To achieve ISO 9001 Certification, a company must implement a documented quality management system and comply with a number of requirements established by the standard. This includes defining key processes, documenting operational procedures and training staff to ensure they understand and effectively apply company policies.

Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification

  1. Credibility and Reliability: Certification increases the company’s credibility, demonstrating its commitment to quality and excellence.
  2. Access to International Markets: Many organizations require ISO 9001 certified suppliers, opening up new market opportunities.
  3. Operational Efficiency: The adoption of well-defined processes leads to greater operational efficiency and a reduction in errors.
  4. Continuous Improvement: The continuous improvement cycle required by ISO 9001 allows companies to quickly adapt to changing market needs.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: By focusing on customer satisfaction, companies can build stronger and longer-lasting relationships with their customers.

ISO 9001 Certification is a testament to commitment to quality and operational excellence. Certified companies not only meet customer expectations, but often exceed those expectations through continuous improvement. In an increasingly competitive business environment, ISO 9001 Certification proves to be a key element in standing out, building trust and thriving in the long term.


ISO 14001 Certification: Corporate Commitment to Environmental Sustainability 
ISO 14001 Certification represents an important recognition for companies committed to responsible environmental management. This international standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), provides detailed guidelines for establishing and maintaining an effective environmental management system.

Fundamentals of ISO 14001 Certification
The main objective of ISO 14001 is to help organizations identify, monitor and manage the environmental impacts of their activities. This translates into a concrete commitment to minimizing the negative impact on the environment and promoting sustainable practices.

Environmental Management System Implementation
To achieve ISO 14001 Certification, companies must adopt a process-based approach to environmental management. This involves evaluating the environmental aspects of company activities, defining environmental objectives and targets, and implementing monitoring and measurement procedures to ensure compliance with standards.

Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification

  1. Sustainability: Certification demonstrates the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability, improving its reputation and public trust.
  2. Legal Compliance: The adoption of ISO 14001 helps companies ensure compliance with current environmental laws, reducing legal risks.
  3. Operational Efficiency: The identification and efficient management of environmental aspects improve operational efficiency and reduce waste.
  4. Access to Global Markets: Certification is often a requirement to participate in tenders or collaborate with global organizations sensitive to environmental issues.
  5. Cost Reduction: Optimal resource management and compliance with environmental standards can lead to a reduction in operating costs.

ISO 14001 Certification is not just an environmental badge, but a tangible commitment to corporate sustainability. Certified companies demonstrate not only environmental responsibility, but also the ability to integrate sustainability into daily business processes. In an age where environmental awareness is paramount, ISO 14001 emerges as an essential tool to guide companies towards responsible environmental management and a sustainable future.


SA 8000 Certification: Ethical Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility 
SA 8000 Certification represents a tangible ethical commitment for companies that wish to adopt socially responsible business practices. This international standard, developed by Social Accountability International (SAI), focuses on ethical and social issues, promoting the protection of human rights and the improvement of working conditions around the world.

Fundamentals of SA 8000 Certification
At the heart of SA 8000 is the commitment to respect human rights and to ensure working conditions that are safe, ethical and respectful of human dignity. The aim is to ensure that companies maintain high standards in their production processes, thus contributing to improving the quality of life of the workers and communities involved.

Fundamental principles

  1. Child Labor: The SA 8000 certification prohibits the use of child labor, promoting a working environment that respects young people’s right to education and play.
  2. Working Conditions: Certified companies must provide a safe and healthy working environment, ensuring that employees work in dignified conditions and without health risks.
  3. Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining: SA 8000 supports the right of workers to freely join trade unions and collectively bargain to improve their working conditions.
  4. Discrimination: Business practices must not discriminate based on criteria such as ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
  5. Disciplinary Practices: Certification promotes the adoption of fair and transparent disciplinary practices, avoiding forms of degrading or coercive treatment.

Implementation and Verification
To obtain SA 8000 certification, companies must implement a social management system, document their policies and procedures, and undergo periodic audits conducted by independent certification bodies. This process ensures that companies consistently meet the required standards.

Benefits of SA 8000 Certification

  1. Reputation and Credibility: SA 8000 certified companies enjoy a positive reputation for their ethical commitment, attracting customers and investors sensitive to social issues.
  2. Improved Employee Relations: Respecting workers’ rights helps improve employee satisfaction and commitment.
  3. Legal Compliance: SA 8000 helps companies ensure compliance with international and national human rights and labor regulations.
  4. Access to New Markets: Certification may be a requirement to access markets that require high ethical standards.

SA 8000 Certification goes beyond mere compliance with labor laws and aims to promote positive change in society. Companies that embrace these principles demonstrate a concrete commitment to social responsibility, helping to build a fairer, more ethical and sustainable world of work. The SA 8000 is not just a badge of compliance, but a significant step towards creating a business environment that values ​​human dignity and promotes social well-being.


ISO 20000-1 Certification: Excellence in IT Services for a Connected World 
ISO 20000-1 Certification represents a seal of quality for organizations providing IT services, demonstrating a commitment to the highest standards in service management. This international standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is designed to ensure that companies offer IT services that are efficient, reliable and aligned with user and business needs.

Fundamentals of ISO 20000-1 Certification
The main focus of ISO 20000-1 is on IT service management, covering crucial aspects such as service design, transition, delivery and continuous improvement. Certification encourages organizations to implement and maintain a service management system that meets stakeholder expectations and ensures the quality and effectiveness of IT performance.

IT Service Management System Implementation
To obtain certification, organizations must demonstrate compliance with a number of specific requirements. These include service planning and design, resource management, performance monitoring and measurement, as well as implementing processes to manage incidents, problems and changes.

Benefits of ISO 20000-1 Certification

  1. Better Risk Management: The implementation of well-defined processes helps reduce operational risks and address incidents promptly.
  2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: More reliable and high-quality IT services lead to greater user and customer satisfaction.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Process standardization improves operational efficiency and service delivery, reducing waste and costs.
  4. Market Competitiveness: ISO 20000-1 certification can be a distinctive element that differentiates companies in the competitive IT services sector.
  5. Adaptation to Change: The flexibility built into service management allows organizations to adapt more quickly to technological changes and market needs.

ISO 20000-1 Certification represents a tangible commitment to excellence in IT services. In an era where reliance on advanced technologies is increasingly critical, this certification offers clear guidance to ensure organizations meet the highest standards in the delivery of IT services. Adopting these best practices not only enhances the company’s reputation but also helps build a solid foundation for growth and sustainability in the dynamic world of information technology.


ISO/IEC 27001 Certification: Cyber ​​Security at the Heart of Business Operations 
ISO/IEC 27001 Certification is a fundamental recognition for organizations engaged in cybersecurity. This international standard, developed jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), offers comprehensive guidance for establishing, implementing and improving an information security management system (ISMS).

Fundamentals of ISO/IEC 27001 Certification
The core of ISO/IEC 27001 is the protection of information, be it corporate data, customer information or other sensitive assets. Certification requires organizations to identify and assess information security risks, then implement measures to mitigate them and ensure operational continuity in the event of incidents.

Information Security Management System Implementation
To achieve certification, organizations must adopt a risk-based approach, identifying potential threats to information security and implementing appropriate countermeasures. This involves defining safety policies, staff training, resource management, and constant review to ensure the adequacy of the management system.

Benefits of ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

  1. Protection of Sensitive Information: Certification provides a robust framework to protect the organization’s critical information from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Helps businesses comply with regulations and laws related to information security.
  3. Credibility and Reliability: Certification is a tangible sign of the company’s commitment to cybersecurity, increasing the trust of customers and stakeholders.
  4. Efficient Risk Management: The risk-based approach allows organizations to proactively identify and manage information security threats.
  5. Market competitiveness: Certification can be a distinctive element that positions the company as reliable and attentive to IT security.

In an era where information is a critical asset for organizations, ISO/IEC 27001 Certification becomes a crucial element for cybersecurity. It offers a robust framework to mitigate risks, protect sensitive data and ensure business continuity. Certified companies demonstrate a serious commitment to information security, thus building a solid foundation for operating in an increasingly complex and connected digital environment.


ESG Certification: Guide Towards a Sustainable and Responsible Future
In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) certification has taken on a central role in the world of investments and business practices. This set of criteria provides a framework for evaluating companies’ performance not only in financial terms, but also in terms of environmental impact, social responsibility and governance.

Meaning of ESG
The acronyms ESG refer to three key dimensions:

  • E – Environmental: concerns a company’s policies and actions related to environmental sustainability and the management of natural resources.
  • S – Social: covers issues such as employee treatment, diversity, inclusion and the social impact of company activities.
  • G – Governance: focuses on corporate structure, business ethics, transparency and responsible management.

Importance of ESG Certification
ESG certification has become a key indicator of an organization’s sustainability and responsibility. Investors, consumers and other stakeholders are increasingly looking for companies that demonstrate a real commitment to sustainability and community well-being. ESG certification provides a comprehensive view of company practices, as well as positively reflecting on the company’s image and reputation.

ESG Certification Process
The process of obtaining ESG certification involves in-depth analysis of company policies, assessment of environmental and social impact, and review of governance practices. Certification organizations only issue certification if the company demonstrates compliance with rigorous ESG standards.

Tangible Benefits

  1. Access to Sustainable Capital: ESG certified companies are often more attractive to investors seeking opportunities aligned with ethical and sustainable values.

  2. Risk Reduction: Attention to ESG issues helps mitigate environmental, social and governance risks, preventing controversies and possible reputational damage.

  3. Talent Attraction and Retention: ESG-oriented companies attract talent motivated by sustainability and social responsibility.

  4. Long-Term Competitiveness: ESG certification can help build a long-term competitive advantage, as more and more consumers prefer responsible companies.

ESG certification is more than a simple certificate of conformity; it is a visible commitment to a sustainable and responsible business approach. Companies that embrace ESG not only meet current market expectations, but also help shape a future where sustainability and responsibility are at the heart of business decisions. ESG certification is an important step towards a business world that promotes global well-being and the conservation of our planet.

UNI PdR 125:2022 Certification – Gender Equality

The UNI PdR 125:2022 certification represents a significant step forward in the journey towards gender equity in organizations. Introduced by the Italian National Unification Body (UNI), this standard provides a clear and structured framework for assessing and promoting gender equality within a company or institution.

This certification goes beyond mere statements of intent; it is based on concrete and measurable criteria that guide organizations in their commitment to ensure equal opportunities and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of gender.

One of the fundamental aspects of the UNI PdR 125:2022 certification is the in-depth analysis of company policies, practices, and cultures to identify any gender disparities and define strategies to address them effectively and sustainably over time.

Among the criteria evaluated to obtain certification are:

Inclusion policies: Organizations must demonstrate having explicit and documented policies aimed at promoting gender inclusion and diversity in all aspects of work, from personnel selection to promotion and professional development.
Equal career opportunities: It must be ensured that men and women have the same opportunities for career advancement, with transparent mechanisms based on merit.
Fair compensation: Companies must eliminate any form of gender-based pay discrimination and ensure that men and women are paid fairly for the same work or work of equal value.
Inclusive organizational culture: It is necessary to create a work environment where all employees feel respected, valued, and free to express themselves without fear of gender discrimination or harassment.
Training and awareness: Organizations must invest in staff training to increase awareness of gender equality and promote a corporate culture that reflects these values.

Obtaining UNI PdR 125:2022 certification not only represents recognition of the company’s commitment to gender equity but can also bring tangible benefits such as improving brand reputation, attracting and retaining more diverse talent, and enhancing overall organizational performance.

In a world where gender equality remains an urgent challenge, UNI PdR 125:2022 certification offers an important tool to guide companies towards a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

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