Governance BSistemi

Corporate Social Responsibility

In recent years, the theme of corporate social responsibility has emerged as an increasingly strong and central requirement. The ethical aspects of fairness, responsibility, transparency, and respect for human rights appear to increasingly influence the economy and social systems. The principles of the SA8000 standard envisage, through transparent methods and systems aimed at identifying and meeting the expectations of key stakeholders: customers, suppliers, and employees. For these reasons, BSistemi, with SA8000 certification and the associated continuous improvement project, has undertaken the following commitments:

  • To comply with national, European, and international laws and regulations concerning labor and workers’ rights, adhering to the provisions contained in official documents and their interpretations.
  • To maintain social responsibility requirements over time and adapt to any new requirements that may be required.
  • To ensure periodic monitoring and continuous improvement of the implemented management system by defining specific improvement objectives within the framework of Ethical Committee meetings, and verifying their achievement through a panel of significant indicators.
  • To provide all staff with adequate training and information on ethics and social responsibility.
  • To sensitize suppliers to the principles of social responsibility of the SA8000 standard.
  • To conduct first-party audits to ascertain compliance with social requirements, and then take all necessary corrective and preventive actions.
  • To document and communicate the commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility to stakeholders, including through the preparation of the Social Balance Sheet.

The Social Performance Team has been formally and consciously established as the body responsible for implementing and monitoring the SA8000 Management System

Consult BSISTEMI’s social responsibility policy >>

Download the SA8000 complaints form from BSISTEMI >>

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